YOU KNOW there's little drams and big big big very BIG dreams in everyone's life :)
I have some too.Want to know what are these ?

1.MY BIGGEST DREAM IS-TO sing in a big stage alone opposite of a million people who're like what I'm sing about.
I know that's a very difficult dream,and I know a dream like that will never came true.Anyway singing is the best thing to me and I never,ever,ever will stop it ♥I promise to myself.

2.-Travel to PARIS♥
I never been to Paris.It's my big dream to fly to Paris.It's not very far from me but I love to see the tower and the sights and Paris is the city of LOVE.(Maybe some day I will fly to Paris with my boyfriend,it can be the most romantic holiday.)

3.-Write and publish my (book or novel.)story(es) BE A WRITER
I write a lot. Of course I didn't finish only one.I have 6 stories and I have a lot of ideas.What I like to write about is : magical creatures,(fantasy stories)witches,(romantic stories)love and the mix of the fantasy and the romantic story.Kind of mysterious stories about a girl in the middle of the story an fall in love with a mysterious boy. :D I love these kind of stories.

I HOPE YOU LIKED MY DREAMS and never forget:
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